Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024

Global Industry: Missfresh Enables Instant Delivery

Bremerhaven. (bm) According to Catherine Chen, chief financial officer of China’s Missfresh Limited, the rapidly growing grocery delivery space in Europe can learn much from the Chinese market. Founded 2014, Missfresh is a pioneer and today an innovator and leader in China’s neighbourhood retail industry. Now the company announced it has entered a strategic partnership with Ocean Engine, a digital marketing platform owned by Bytedance, and expanded its presence on one of China’s most popular social networking platforms, Douyin, by launching a unique livestream grocery shopping service with less than one-hour delivery in Beijing and Shanghai. Going forward, Missfresh and Douyin intend to extend the livestream shopping experience to all 17 cities where Missfresh operates its on-demand Distributed Mini Warehouse (DMW) business. Other topics of the week (Photo: Missfresh Limited):